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It’s an absolute pleasure to land in South Africa after a 10-hour flight and head straight to one of our Girls and Football SA workshops (even on almost no sleep!).

Today, I joined Myrna Lemmen, our Project Manager, and Nancee Selena, one of our workshops leaders, on the field and had the pleasure of meeting a new group of excited and dedicated young players.

Watching them dive into a match, encourage each other and get competitive served as a reminder of why we do the work we do.

Towards the end of the workshop, Myrna and I had a chance to speak in a bit more detail to some of the players, particularly around what they want to be when they grow up. “I want to be a businesswoman.” “I want to be a professional football star.” And, one calculated young player had a career as an actress and singer mapped out. Should that not go according to plan, she proudly shared she would be a lawyer instead.

Knowing that football provides a platform for our Girls & Football SA players to keep developing their skills on the field and their confidence off the field is one of the best reasons to keep the ball rolling in girls’ sports. Hats off to a dedicated and ambitious group of girls!