When a girl plays sports, she is more likely to perform better in school. When she performs better in school, she is less likely to become pregnant as a teenager. She makes healthier choices, is more likely to have a high self-esteem and contributes positively to society.

In South Africa
½ M

Estimated 500,000 rapes annually

57 Rapes

57 rapes per hour

1 Rape

Almost 1 rape per minute

1 in 4 Girls

1 in 4 girls stands the chance of being raped before the age of 16.

Out of 786 boys interviewed


stated a girl can get raped if she wears a skirt or goes out at night alone


of boys claims that being involved in a violent act makes them feel happy

GFSA Research through key informant interviews and with support from Mxit on why boys and men believe there is violence against girls and women.

Our participants at GFSA agreed


I feel more confident and I want to play football more often.


I think that women have the same rights as men


I think it is good that we only train with girls


I think that a woman can be a good president

Source: 2012 GFSA M&E, Khayelitsha South Africa

Participating in sport encourages body ownership and a healthy body image, two important factors crucial to the development of girls and young women.

Sport encourages teamwork, determination and a collaborative effort to support each other.

Sport also provides an accessible platform to explore integral issues such as HIV/Aids, a girl's right to say “No”, health and sexuality, and challenges girls and young women face.